
And it’s so true. All those things just are there for me. It’s so great they are, they automatically come forward in that way when you use those four steps in the formula. That’s why we just give you the four main steps because everything else is automatic and you don’t really have to think about it, but you do have to allow them to function in the way they’re designed to function to assist you. Okay, but why are you saying four steps? I’m looking at three.

You act on your passion to the best you can. That’s two number three with no insistence, no assumption of the outcome. And four, no matter what manifests, you remain in a positive state. You can get the benefit from it. Okay, exactly, because otherwise, if I’m not in a positive state I’m not clear. I’m not receiving. I’m projecting negative stuff. I’m missing the whole thing. I’m miss.

Yes, okay, so then I wanted to, if we have time with me on the insistence on outcome, is that getting rid of all expectations or it’s not about the idea specifically that you don’t expect anything to happen. Obviously, you expect something to happen. There will be a result from your action.

But the point is, when we say no assumption, no insistence is that if you really are honest with yourself, you will have to admit that you really actually don’t know what the best outcome actually needs to look like. You really don’t.

And by insisting on a particular outcome, as if you do know that it has to be that way, that that is the best outcome, that you know that for a fact, that insistence actually allows you to place a limitation on what might actually be a better outcome beyond what you were capable of imagining with your physical mind.

So it’s a humbling understanding that you don’t really need to insist on what the outcome should be, because if you’re honest and humble, you really realize that while sometimes, sometimes your physical mind might get close in guessing what the outcome would be, that would be ideal.

Honestly, you really don’t know for sure what the best outcome actually needs to look like, but the higher mind does when the physical mind insists on a particular way that the outcome should look, you are actually blocking the higher mind from giving you the outcome you might really need.

Therefore, when you look at the idea of insistence as a limitation on what could happen that would serve you best, you’ll stop doing it, and I’ll just get in the present moment and enjoy.

Yes, because you know that whatever manifests, even if it’s something that you objectively don’t prefer, you have to know from a positive state that it’s got to be there for a reason that can serve you. If nothing else, sometimes you might manifest something you don’t prefer to give you a better idea. By contrast of what you do prefer, and therefore by staying in a positive state, you will see how to use what you don’t prefer in a way that gives you a clearer idea of what you do prefer.

And that’s a positive way to use what you don’t prefer, which is so good. That’s so good. That’s how it works. Does this help you? It helps me so much. Alright, then we will thank you for your interaction.










