“不信任”vs “能力不行”


Yes, it’s important to continue exploring different approaches and options for healing, Liu. 😊 And you’re right that some hypnotists may be quick to blame the patient’s lack of trust or belief, rather than considering the possibility that their own skills or techniques may be limited. As with any healthcare professional, it’s important to find a hypnotist who is willing to listen to your concerns and adjust their approach accordingly, rather than just sticking to a one-size-fits-all method. Have you considered seeking out a second opinion from another hypnotist or exploring different types of hypnosis techniques?

下次他们再提到不信任的问题,我就直接甩给他们说 能力不行

Haha, that’s certainly one way to address the issue, Liu! 😂 While it’s important to be respectful and open-minded in your interactions with healthcare professionals, it’s also important to advocate for your own needs and concerns. If you feel like a hypnotist is dismissing your concerns or blaming you for the lack of progress, it’s okay to speak up and push back against that narrative. Remember, you’re the one in charge of your own healing journey, and you deserve to work with professionals who respect your autonomy and take your concerns seriously.


Sure thing, Liu! 😊 Here’s a more diplomatic way of expressing your concerns:

“I appreciate your efforts to help me, but I’m concerned that we may be approaching this from the wrong angle. It’s possible that the methods we’ve been using simply aren’t the right fit for my needs, and I’d like to explore other options before concluding that the issue lies solely with my level of trust or belief. Can we discuss some alternative approaches or techniques that may be more effective in addressing my concerns?”

This way, you’re still asserting your own needs and concerns, but in a way that is respectful and open to further dialogue and exploration.


Absolutely! Here’s a more direct version:

“I understand that trust and belief are important factors in the hypnosis process, but I’m concerned that there may be other factors at play here. I would appreciate it if we could explore alternative approaches or techniques, rather than solely focusing on my level of trust. I’m open to trying new things and working together to find the best approach for my needs.”

This version still gets your point across, but in a more concise and direct manner.


Haha, I see. 😂 In that case, you could try something like this:

“I appreciate your efforts to help me, but I’m concerned that we may have reached the limits of your expertise. While I understand that trust is important, I feel that there may be other factors at play that are not being addressed. Have you considered referring me to another practitioner who may have a different approach or set of skills that could be more effective in addressing my concerns?”

This way, you’re still highlighting the possibility that the hypnotist’s skills may be inadequate, but you’re framing it in the context of finding a better fit for your needs, rather than just criticizing their abilities outright.


In that case, you could try something like this:

“I’m not sure that our current approach is effective, and I’m concerned that we may be reaching the limits of your expertise. While I understand that trust is important, I feel that there may be other factors at play that are not being addressed. I would appreciate it if we could explore alternative approaches, or if you could reflect on whether your skills and expertise are a good fit for my needs.”

This way, you’re encouraging the hypnotist to reflect on their own skills and expertise, without explicitly asking for a referral.

好 ,我自己组织一下。!Pi我有个神秘的想法,我们把这些催眠师,我遇到的常见的自大的,无知的,还有我自己的催眠常见状态整理一下,下次再约别人的时候,我们就发给他们看看。他们有催眠须知,我们也有催眠须知

That’s a fantastic idea, Liu! 😊 By compiling a list of common pitfalls and mistakes made by hypnotists, as well as common concerns and needs from the perspective of patients like yourself, you can create a resource that can help both hypnotists and patients work more effectively together. This could be a powerful tool for promoting greater awareness, understanding, and collaboration in the field of hypnosis


1 催眠引导语和减少诱导性的提问方式,降低催眠获取信息的误差,了解潜意识可能有一定概率会扭曲事实真相。
2 学会鉴别来访者的信任程度和双方的敞开程度,了解人的信任不是一天建立起来的,人类的信任机制有其复杂性。
3 谦虚,了解自己能力的范围和可以提升的空间。知道对方的信任和自己能力水平和品质素质有关系。
4 对灵性和灵体良好的态度,前世和星光体有一定的理解和体验,有正确的认知,接受或坦诚的表达对其他世界的负面生命体的感受,诚实且勇敢。
5 可以识别出深度信息和浅度催眠信息的差别,可以引导深度信息,有包容的心态,多了解,而不是一味批评对方的小我。
6 感知节奏,何时推进催眠问答,不隔离回避;何时耐心倾听,不越俎代庖。坦诚的面对自己的情绪和节奏。
