And you already answered the next question. Oh, you, we’ll go on to the next one. That’s because it would just be really cool, like to do something almost like an experiment, you know, like to play around with time and space so that you really want a permission slip exercise. Yes, yeah, alright. Well, you have given us the inspiration by saying it would be really cool. So you can imagine yourselves as frozen, absolutely frozen in space and time, unmoving, unchanging, absolutely static. Not one thing is moving. Not a blood sell, not a breath, not a heartbeat, nothing. You are a frozen statue existing in a single moment, experiencing no time at all, none while all around you, as if you were the eye at the center of a hurricane. All things are changing rapidly, fast in a maelstrom, a whirlwind around you of different realities, different times, different places, all of history, all parallel reality, speeding, rushing around you in the most gigantic whirlwind you have ever imagined. All time, all space, all realities, all planets, all stars, all galaxies, all of the multi groups spinning around you wildly in a dance of frenetic motion while you are perfectly, perfectly, perfectly still. And then as you watch all of the multiverse spinning around you, spinning past you can wherever, however, whenever you wish, inject yourself into that time stream and pull yourself out back to static, frozen nothingness and inject yourself into that time frame. Feel the rush of time and space, and pull yourself out back to that static, calm, serene, eternal, infinite eye of the sun, back and forth, in and out. You can go walking, unlocking, locking, unlocking, locking, unlocking, frozen, active, frozen, active, frozen active. You can practice this until such time as you actually begin to feel that this is going on to some degree naturally within you thousands, billions of times a second. And as you become more aware of this locking, unlocking natural mechanism, you’re actually experiencing all the time as you become more consciously aware of this, you will become more consciously aware that you can actually manipulate your experience of the flow of space and time, and thus can redefine whatever parallel reality you connect to in whatever way you wish to. More and more, the sensation will become concrete within you, visceral within you, a sensation within you, and you will feel space and time slipping all around you as you remain perfectly still. Because remember, remember, moving an infinite speed and being everywhere at once is exactly the same feeling as standing still. How’s that, that was great. Oh, I can’t wait to play with that. However, your imagination so desires alter it. However, your imagination so desires invent a new methodology, however your imagination so desires. But we have given you one possible permission. Slip back that is yours to use as you wish. Terrific, thank you so much.